11th January 2021
Assalamu Alaikum Wartahmatullah,

As you are aware the Covid19 Pandemic is still with us. May Allah protect us all guide us and keep us safe and well Insha Allah.
At present we will continue with our Daily Fardh Salah only, which means, all other optional Salahs to be prayed at home. Mosque will open 15 minutes before each Fardh Salah and Close 15 minutes after each Fardh Salah.
Please make sure you adhere to all rules and guidance which must always include Wearing of Masks covering mouth and nose within the Mosque, keeping social distance, praying in marked spaces, Hand sanitising and no mingling of Musallees inside or in the vicinity of Mosque.
From this Friday 15th January 2021, the Jumma Khutbah and Salah will cease (stop) until further notice. The Jumma khutbah will be broadcasted live on Facebook, please join in and listen. This is a decision that was not taken lightly.
Please note we aim to broadcast live on Facebook one Jumma Khutbah at 13:00PM Insha Allah.
Please keep an eye out on our website & social media platforms for regular updates. (Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Masjid Tawhid App).
In case of emergency please call one of the following trustees:
Fazal Patel 07824811305
Hanif Patel 07956808135
Feroze Seedat 07956821508
Jazakallah ul Khairan.