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Please complete the form below and we will be in touch soon.

Terms and Conditions

  • I consent to the use of photo/video/social media containing my/my child’s image in any material related to Masjid Tawhid Leyton publicity or administration purposes.

  • I consent to my child taking part in all activities of the organisation unless I state otherwise.

  • I confirm that my child has the permission to leave the premises of the organisation at any time

  • I consent to Masjid Tawhid Leyton communicating with me/my child through social media/text/emails etc

  • In an emergency Masjid Tawhid Leyton staff may authorise medical treatment for me/my child* (delete as applicable) including anaesthetic, if it is not practical to consult me first.

  • Due to the nature of the physical activities Masjid Tawhid Leyton shall not be held accountable for any loss, damage, or injury incurred.

  • I will inform Masjid Tawhid Leyton of any changes in the details above by contacting the office.

  • Masjid Tawhid Leyton may send me relevant information regarding events and updates.

  • If relevant, my child can travel by any form of public transport, minibus or motor vehicle driven by a Masjid Tawhid Leyton representative or volunteer to any event in which the Organisation is participating.

  • There are no refunds and its up to the participant to ensure they attend every week. 

  • The Fee will go to the Youth Club so it can continue to provide these services. 

Thanks for submitting! We will add you to our whatsapp group soon. 

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